Error 678 -The
Computer You Are Dialling Into Is Not Answering
This error normally occurs when using
Windows XP. This can be resolved by following these steps:
Windows XP
Restart your computer and wait
until all applications have completely loaded before
trying to reconnect.
Click on the Start Menu and then
select Run. In the box which appears type the word
command in order to open the command prompt and then
click OK. In the black command prompt window, type
netsh interface ip reset log.txt and click on Enter
on your keyboard. Then type exit into the command
prompt and then click on Enter on your keyboard. Now
restart your computer and reconnect to the Internet.
Other Operating Systems (Windows
Recreate the Dial Up Connection
as described
If your problem has still not
been resolved uninstall and reinstall your Broadband
modem. For information on how to do this click on your